Sexuality - creativity-abundance.
Restores the natural flow of life and feelings, providing frank and healthy relationships, wealth of feelings, openness, sensuality, dedication and fertility. Works with the recognition of sexuality, unity.
"Sexual union with a loved one is a dance of male and female energies of creation, to experience a higher unity with nature and grow relating to inner integrity."
Suitable for people who have problems with sexuality, usually caused by a lack of love and physical intimacy in childhood.
People who have lost carefree expression of their creative potential, which is manifested like suppressed "uncomfortable" instincts, etc. or inflated sexual fantasies.
Uncertainty, tension in relations with the opposite sex, constant desire for sexual relations.
Everything that helps to remove restrictions from childhood injuries.
People who feel that they must change but can’t find the strength to do so.
What causes conflict between thought and feeling, will and desire, and thus makes the person hard and heavy.
Promotes mental balance.
Essence works in the limbic system, which is responsible for regulating emotions.
Works with vulnerability.
Protection from vampirism.
Soothes wandering thoughts.
As a result of the relentless pursuit of something excessive excitement occurs, the lack of concentration on the goal due to constant search. Anxiety and obsessions. Essence helps to establish a balance and dissolves the tension, removes the anxiety. Allows a person to look inside, enter into meditative states, connecting with wisdom.
Essence contains the qualities of flowers and crystals that will support you at the right time and help you stay in this state, or vice versa, point and uncover those moments where healing is still necessary. They will help to take responsibility when we feel fear and uncertainty, let go of guilt.
The waters of the essence bear the power of the Earth, they, like roots, bring a new dimension, help to let go of the known, to trust more. They are like a new level of knowledge of a new kind of perception and vision of reality, more in a form of a game, full of life and the timeless, creativity, the subconscious. These waters are initiated and can be used during the activation of new DNA helices. The citrine stone in "Oxum” acts as the purifier of the manifestation channel, helping to cure the problems of power abuse and feeling of helplessness. Improves relations with the world. Joy and Purity, which emits certainty, humility and humanity.The increase in motivation improves digestion and helps to cleanse the body.This essence will resemble you free creative power of the eternal, always active and living spirit that lives in you.
Effective in depression, good for airy people or just at moments when it is difficult to concentrate. Organizes thinking and ideas. Helps to organize new projects. Suitable for Indigo children. Crystals are useful for children who have difficulties with integration in the current educational system, as well as for hyperactive children with low concentration.
Deep cleansing of body fluids helps to eliminate toxins and stimulates immunity, protecting it.
The flowers and crystals of quartz and amethyst in this essence affect the lymphatic system, contribute to emotional purification.
By healing ourselves, we help to cleanse the planet. This understanding reveals knowledge about the Earth and the distribution of its resources in favor of those who want to preserve them.
What naturally increases the awareness of subtle reality. Establishing the contact with the spirits of water and earth, with Virgins and elementals.
We honor the unity of all life forms. Essence thus helps people who suffer from low self-esteem, blood circulation problems with various types of infection and inflammation.
WHITE LILY (a flower that appears after a fire)
Symbolizes regeneration and rejuvenation. Awakens the spirit. Lily, the ancient symbol of the purity of the soul and body, brings purity.
Its presence brings a message of transcendence, it is a signal of initiation into the light. When you go to the next level of existence and look for the path to the top, the symbol of the lily will mark this way, the truth and life ...
The sign of immortality, it reveals the truth in existence, the beginning of the transcendence of consciousness, gold, transformation, the way to the stars.
New lessons of existence in spirit and truth, understanding that there is strength, purity and strength of nature, which manifests itself with incredible ease and beauty.
This flower improves hearing. Promotes deep cleansing of the intestines, in the emotional and mental bodies. Works with the fear of not being worthy, not reaching the end of the tunnel. Relieves dense mental stress, attached to the body and aura. Cleans astral and mental pollution, sets freefrom attachment to fear.
It shows limiting, selfish beliefs in relationships. Promotes growth and increase of vibration, sharpening the perception of the inner world.
Promotes renewal, dignity, rightness. Hardness and consistency.
Also, the essence works on problems with sexuality, usually caused by the lack of love and physical intimacy in childhood.
People who have lost the carefree expression of their creative potential, which causes "uncomfortable" feeling when this energy manifests, in the form of suppressed instincts or overstated sexual fantasies.
Uncertainty, tension in relationships with the opposite sex, rough sex, a constant desire for sexual relations. Everything that helps to remove restrictions from childhood injuries.
This floral potential restores the natural flow of life and feelings, providing frank and healthy relationships, a wealth of feelings, openness, sensuality, creativity, loyalty and fertility. Works with the recognition of sexuality and creation.
"Sexual union with a loved one in the dance of the male and female energies of creation, to experience a higher unity with nature and grow towards inner integrity."
Sexuality, creativity. For people who have experienced trauma and / or abuse, physical or verbal. With the subsequent retraction of the "etheric body." It can be felt as resistance in relations with the opposite sex in sexual matters, as well as freedom of expression, there are fears, difficulties in communication.
All cases that block freedom of speech, causing pain in the throat, tremors in the energy body.
Flowers and crystals work with the energy trauma, cleaning the energy channel. Expands and transforms energy, remained at the same level / in a state of shock. Restoring the flow of energy provides a free expression of sexuality.
By releasing and healing traumatic records in the physical and subtle body, the floral energies tend to bring more freedom and flexibility, helping to expand the etheric body and soothe the physical one.
When you get to a more subtle level of spirit exaltation over the matter, it affects the emotional body.
And what was kept there for a long time, begins to release. This is a process that can come in the form of internal restructuring.
Releasing the repressed emotions, cleaning up the contaminations that clung to the emotional body, contributing to its overflow.
After this process, we begin the protection reorganization, which was broken to release the contents.
The essences of Flowers and Crystals help in the process of adjusting and aligning thinner bodies and integrating in the spirit. This contributes to the understanding of the soul and the expression of the spirit voice when working on the emotional level of spiritual plane. What turns into truth brings clarity and integrity.
By restoring our natural connections, we go to the level of the light body, integrating the higher emotional body in physical reality.
Hearing connects us to other times and spaces of photonic dimensions, as if they are here and now.
This brings the integration of a human with other levels of existence, unity with other levels of the light body.
Promotes interaction through sound waves, which rebuild a new form. (High and subtle vibrations of universal frequency).
You can help to heal your emotional body through high-frequency music.
Hearing is amplified, and you can hear the music of higher spheres. You can also hear many sounds simultaneously and understand them separately. Auditory hypersensitivity and new frequencies will help release old and crystallized records to make room for a new one.
All this contributes to joy. Energy, cleaning the uterus and the ovaries, allows you to reach new human frequencies, as well as opportunity to become pregnant.
This essence is about deep restoration and connection with the source. About Divine Unity, the deep memory that is stored in the cells of our body as a pure particle of God within us. A state that opens at rest of mind beyond the duality of the physical dimension. Purity, which we forgot about but which is familiar to each of us. Where every man was at least once happy, the moment where there is everything and no desire for something else. When it becomes possible just to relax in yourself, from yourself, to share this instant moment with the whole world, not to the bad and good, whether like or not, I do whether want or not from my children's stories, stories of my parents, truth and untruth. Everything that certainly makes us suffer in fear to let go of the only thing that we have learned in all our lives and experiences, which life includes. When you can stop and just hug yourself, embracing the whole universe, feel the source of truth in yourself. Questions and answers that come from the source inside you. From the meeting with yourself, that makes it possible to meet our beloved, of course, before the form of your interaction appears. From the silence, where a new formula of relationships is born and dies, leaving nothing behind. Nothing remains the same, none of your expectations corresponds to reality, life in all its colors is manifested only in the present, total moment, the truth of which everyone always has inside. Always real, always true, where you haven’t yet managed to escape to what may be different. It is the deep readiness of our heart to perceive reality as it is. The peace of the heart is brought by the world, when we know ourselves, then we stop to be afraid of letting something wrong in ourselves. We gladly accept and easily release, not clinging to what doesn’t belong to our essence. Joy and sorrow become equal, as part of what is happening, without changing the source itself. My intention for this essence is that everyone knows the way to this source, in spite of his experience in life and the way to gain knowledge. That any experience could become a moment of total living without judgments and assessment, in absolute acceptance and value of what is happening to you.
Kruminas, Lokinyas Waterfall
The stones and waters of this essence bring peace and love to the heart, this is the freedom of truth.
Transforms the pain in the heart. Opens new opportunities to test other ideas about reality. Essence works in the causal body, facilitates the integration of all love energy rays. It awakens wisdom, purity, healing, devotion and transformation.
Healing of the inner child. Supports in transforming the abuse trauma of the past. Releasing the Sasmples of Pain and Suffering. For children, this essence will be helpful in development of the heart balance, so that they can live their experience of love, will, with freedom and wisdom.
Let the source flow through you, bringing purity to the experience of life. The essence gives confidence in the realization that nothing stands still. Promotes cleansing and releasing.
Through calmness, control of leaving in case of shock. Soothing for both children and adults. In addition, suitable for in case of insomnia, soothes fears and nightmares. Helps to release fears caused by accidents, abuse, violence.
A person returns to the body in the case of energy body transfer.
Works in the unconscious, releasing deep memories of shocks.
It helps to take care of yourself. Restores the connection with the angelic kingdom. It leads to deep relaxation states, relieves stress, anxiety. Strengthens the immune system, soothes the mind and heart to feel the light of the spirit.
The aim of flowers and plants of this essence is protection, and this is what is necessary during sleep, meditation, deep internal travel. Protection from evil, dirty thoughts, gossip, all that can penetrate our energy field at the very moments when we are most open and vulnerable. The green volcanic stone from St. George’s place in Brazil, the sounds of a crystal bowl, birds, in the place of power of the indigenous tribe of Kamara. Green color, which fills the essence, serves motivation and enthusiasm for healing and search for the truth.
The ray of sun coming down to the earth and the whole plane of plants from the earth create this vibration. All healers and pleiads belong to and serve this energy. If the source is known, just drink from it, without creating a form where there is none) a great power to be in this truth, to trust intuition and believe in love.
Silver Calliander
The energy of love and gratitude. Promotes the assimilation of information, enhances, expands sensory perception and opens an intuitive channel. Promotes communication with the world of spirits and brings understanding of incoming information, ideas, as well as their manifestation in physical reality.
The energy of the new Earth is expansion and perception through the heart chakra.
(Night drops)
"Fear is a great jailer who prevents a person from release his freedom."
The essence acts multidimensionally, that’s why it is used at night, when the spirit is freed from the physical body and goes into other dimensions. It is supportive during periods of changes. Heals fears.
Chakra - Heart
The body - astral.
For timid people. Quiet or, opposite, talkative, who try to hide their shyness in some way. People who have difficulties with self-expression, often act as spectators of life.
As a rule, they suffer from fears, phobias. Such as the fear of elevators, hospitals, travelling by plane, walking at night, accidents, job loss, storms, thieves, wind.
This floral potential reveals the power of understanding and courage through faith that comes from the heart.
Chakras - the solar plexus and throat.
Bodies - Physical and spiritual.
The fear of losing control over oneself.
Fear of conscious domination, fear of skirmishes, aggression. Avoiding confrontation and preferring to swallow his anger, a person sooner or later will not able to digest the absorb emotions. The plant reveals emotional content that a person is ready to let go without resistance. The plant causes the cleaning process, emotions are released, gradually letting the existing pain go in the unconscious state.
This helps to initiate transformation processes.
Works great together with psychotherapeutic work.
In rare cases, the plant can cause nausea, dizziness - due to cleaning, which occurs in the throat, stomach and intestines. That is the reason why it is recommended to take before sleeping.
In general, the plant returns balance, clarity in communication. Calm to deal with our shadows.
Capim Estrela
Internal compass.
Chakras - spleen, heart, throat, anterior, seventh and higher.
It releases channels of communication with the higher self.
Enlightens and directs through the divine light. Promotes increased energy levels.
Brings a sample of transformation of the beauty planetary consciousness, immense perfection, which produces high frequency of light and love.
Gives guidance and navigation, orientation on the Earth through the presence of cosmic being we are.
Deep meaning of freedom, security and self-confidence.
Leadership on the Earth from the point of view of inner peace existence.
Freedom from manipulation, co-dependency and blackmail from the outside world.
Compass of the soul.
Provides access to the language of light through the Platonic solids. Crystals. Recovering the memory of the human divinity that lives in each of us. The implementation of light codes.
Promotes unity and integration with the soul spark. Provides access to wisdom.
Expanding consciousness to higher frequencies of light which must be on in the physical body. Work between the physical self and the divine being.
It helps a person who feels separated from the divine, to feel more connected at the soul level, returning harmony in relationships with himself and others.
Reveals memory at the work on healing and acts like portals that lead to healing, connecting with the matrix of universal perfection.
This entity illuminates the path and opens internal portals, so we can get access to the transformation of a new consciousness on the Earth.
It restores the golden canvases of our energy field and the connection with the morphogenetic field of mankind. It restores memory, balancing polarities, restructures forms of thoughts, action and perception.
Activation and connection to the crystal lattice. Activates our cells and opens the way for the new.
The energy of the Platonic solids shows us how to open our hearts and develop our consciousness through the forms of sacral geometry in the universe.
It is a path that requires balance, harmony, justice, truth and selflessness. Regardless of the method and choice, these virtues should be found in the soul's records.
Through the heart, the middle path, we create an alliance with power and are able to turn on the divine.
This essence contributes to the awakening of the female magnetic state. Restores harmonious force for the healthy integration of male and female principles, returning value and respect for these principles. Increases self-esteem, raising the question of how to feel worthy of the gifts that life offers. Since fear and judgment limit the flow of natural gifts from the flow of universal abundance. In relationships, this flower brings freedom together with responsibility and gratitude.
Connects to the Earth. Turns on creativity, self-expression in a human. Suitable for creation processes. Works with women's fertility issues (helps to get pregnant).
Establishes the connection with the spirits of nature, elementals of the forest, stones and animals.
Unites the hemispheres, contributing to concentration, organizes thinking and ideas. Helps to form and organize new projects.
Grounding and Manifestation. Expression of spontaneous creativity, achievement, fluidity. Manifestation on the physical plane. Gives a sense of space, strength, determination, objectivity for restoration, regeneration and vigorous growth.
The bouquet includes water matrices of Almecegas 1,2 (Shiva lingam stones and local stones) Crotolaria, Dadiva, Indigo Crystal, Manifestasao, Capim Estrela, Capim Caboklo, Capim Aveia, Regenerador 7 graminhas.
Creative expression of ancestral memory.
Connection to the Earth.
Birth. Life as a goal.
The power of life that comes from the body, creative energy.
Suitable for creative processes. Helps to lit some goal in your life.
This essence works with female energies, with sensuality and joy. For both women and men.
Promotes the connection with the earth, which results in feeling strength and vitality. The essence stimulates sexuality. Releases and renews energy, it is a powerful regenerative substance. Improves self-esteem.
For people who are afraid of expressing themselves in the public, who suffered from a trauma blocking the 5 chakra.
Ideal for musicians, teachers, writers, artists, poets, actors, politicians, doctors, educators.
This floral bouquet promotes self-control, clarity of mind and tranquility, that are necessary for expressing the truth of the soul with depth, simplicity and ease.
Promotes the expression of individual creativity and free communication.
The release of repressed conflicts of fear or shame. "In order to express my truth." "The truth that comes from the heart, the soul and the belly."
Expanding the universal vision, distancing oneself from emotions.
Access to the solar system, the galaxy and the universe.
For people who are passing through a period of conflict and / or neuroses.
Helps to move away from emotions and take a look at the situation from a new perspective. Develops and activates perception in the upper chakras, which contributes to the expansion of consciousness and perception.
Promotes openness to the universal realities, providing a perception of life situations in a different light.
Works with traumas of abuse, shocks that block free speaking.
Purification of the throat energy channel. Expands and transforms energy that has remained at the same level and / or state of shock. Restores the energy flow and free expression of sexuality.
This essence is for those who are in a state of change, change of house, place of work, hormonal changes. The bouquet helps to open even more, gives flexibility to accept the changes. The essence of the transformation path, the adoption of life cycles, nature, sexuality, which allows us to express the fragility and tenderness of the female principle. Helps to understand better the path of "Mother Earth", activating the intention and purpose of life, firmly fixing the reality of the physical plane. Connection with the Earth through the crotch. Color: from pale pink to dark red and purple.
Restores vital energy, helping to step on the Earth. Helps to get out of the apathy state, gives joy and a desire to live.
This floral potential promotes intensive transformation of energies on the physical plane in the "processes" and periods of personal transformation.
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