Amazonite has a powerful cleansing effect. At the physical level, it blocks geopathogenic stress, absorbs microwaves and protects against electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and consumer electronics. It should be kept between you and the source of radiation, or attached to a mobile phone.
Intellectually, Amazonite purifies and synthesizes information coming from the outside, with intuition. It is a harmonizing mineral. It calms the mind and the nervous system and connects the physical body with subtle bodies to maintain optimal health. Amazonite harmonizes the yin and yang energies and balances various aspects of the personality. Amazonite helps to take a broader view of the situation, to see both sides of the problem or to comprehend the situation from different points of view.
Amazonite softens emotional experiences and traumas, reducing anxiety and fears and dissipating negative energy. This mineral tunes to the perception and expression of all-embracing love, cleanses and reveals the heart and throat chakras, and it is also related to intuition and the "third eye" area.
As a talisman, amazonite softens the flare-up and selfish people, stimulates creative abilities, strengthens the propensity for visions and mysticism.
Healing properties of Amazonite:
Amazonite helps with stress, acute and chronic depression, insomnia and migraines, reduces anxiety, gives self-confidence.
The Amazonian stone, as it used to be called in ancient times, received its beautiful name in honor of the famous Amazon River. According to another version, the name is associated with the Amazons - legendary beauties and warriors.
This is a very plausible hypothesis, since amazonite from ancient times has been a symbol of female beauty and independence. In the realm of the Amazons, the weaker sex gained magical power in some way.
Female jewelry of Amazonite is also found during the excavation of Scythian mounds from the Urals to the Don - this confirms the ritual use of the Amazonian stone by ancient female warriors. It should be noted that mysterious Scythian riders had excellent taste! The ancient Amazonite decorations are spectacular and perfectly beautiful. American Indians also wore an Amazonian stone as well as ancient Egyptians - in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, many amulets, rings and beads made of amazonite were found, set in silver.
Amazonite is not considered to be a precious stone, but it is extraordinarily beautiful! When you look at the Amazonian stone closely, some inexpressible feeling captures you - you are touching the antiquity! Complex polyhedral structure of the stone and exotic shade attracts the views as a magnet. Its clean and bright palette reminds us the divine color of the warm ocean waters in Brazil.
It is interesting that the Amazonian stone is suitable not only for active and independent girls, but also for women with the opposite character - calm, gentle and affectionate, who are traditional homemakers.
It’s not strange as far as the quietest women, as a rule, have an iron character and unbending will. Today she’s a housewife wandering around the house, and tomorrow, if circumstances demand, she will become an invincible warrior.
Amethyst promotes the transformation of lower vibrations energy into higher vibrations and acts on the principle of complete metamorphosis.
Amethyst has a strong healing and cleansing effect. Amethyst balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, etheric and physical bodies and provides a stable connection between the earthly and subtle sides. Its vibrations purify and harmonize the aura, transforming the energy blocks. Amethyst also gives reasonability, calmness, strength and mental health.
Amethyst is an excellent stone for meditation, it facilitates the achievement of the inner silence state. It helps activate and open the parietal chakra.
Amethyst can be a good defense against undesirable mental effects, transforming the energy of the impact into a positive one, it can block geopathogenic stress and negative energies in the surrounding space.
Traditionally, this stone was worn to protect against alcohol abuse, thanks to its sobering effect, which relates to other physical predilections. It helps to overcoming narcotic and other kinds of addictions.
Amethyst has a positive effect on the mind, calming or stimulating it according to circumstances. Eliminates absent-mindedness and promotes inner comprehension, facilitates the assimilation of new ideas and leads to an understanding of cause-effect relationships.
This stone facilitates the decision-making process, brings common sense and spiritual insight and helps to release decisions into reality. It helps with insomnia caused by hyperactivity of the mind, and protects from nightmares. Amethyst strengthens memory and improves personal motivation in achieving the goal. It facilitates the memorization and understanding of your dreams and improves visualization.
Amethyst balances the energy of the earth and the sky in human, providing emotional stability. It dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Brings comfort in sadness, helps to reconcile with loss.
Amethyst promotes the attainment of the "Divine Love" state, gives an understanding of your true nature and encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It activates intuition and strengthens mental powers. It is a wonderful stone for meditation, it can be placed on the "third eye" area for its stimulation. Sleeping with amethyst contributes to out-of-body experiences and brings intuitive dreams. It transforms "low" energies into higher frequencies of spiritual and etheric sides.
Amethyst stimulates the throat and upper chakras. Amethyst relieves tension and alleviates acute mental states, but shouldn’t be used in case of schizophrenia.
For therapeutic purposes, amethyst increases the formation of hormones and regulates the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the immune system. It alleviates physical, emotional and mental pain or stress. Helpful with headaches.
It helps with respiratory diseases, skin problems, digestion. Normalizes the microflora, promotes purification from parasites.
First of all, Ametrin combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine, showing them with more force, to the purifying effect of Citrine Amethyst adds higher vibrations and leads to another level. Ametrin instantly starts working and begins to interact with all the energy bodies of human.
Ametrin aligns the male / female energies and promotes synthesis between the intellect (mind) and the spiritual, helps to find and maintain the "awakened" state of consciousness. He prompts the mind to move out from the verbal to the knowledge of the unconscious.
Ametrin dissolves negative energy, filling all subtle bodies with refreshing energy of Light. Due to the cleansing effect, Ametrin helps to reach the Higher Plans as soon as possible during meditation, helps to bring peace in soul and sets up for constructive open interaction with the surrounding space and people. Ametrin removes tension from the head, calms the mind.
Ametrin helps to remove mental and emotional blocks, reducing referred tension, and contributes to the soonest restoration of normal perception and functioning of damaged areas.
This is an unusually powerful stone, it stimulates creativity and helps to take control of your life. Ametrin brings depth and clarity of thoughts, helps to see all the opportunities provided and find creative solutions. It helps to rise above everyday life.
Emotional programming on the negative can also be weakened by Ametrin's energies, which helps to transform blocks, negative emotions, feelings and tranfer them into a level of conscious and constructive perception. Helps to see the root of the problem, and in case of prolonged chronic illness - its origins. Ametrin contributes to a stable good balanced emotional state, which is not influenced by external factors.
Ametrine can be useful in astral travel to increase awareness, provides protection and security, helps to maintain vigilance in physical reality and on the Astral Plane.
Healing properties of Ametrin:
Ametrin effectively cleanses the body of toxins. Perfectly cleanses the blood, promotes the regeneration of the physical body and strengthens the immune system. Ametrin treats chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, helps with gastritis and ulcers, relieves headaches and also helps with other diseases caused by stress.
You need to wear ametrin directly on your body for a long time, at the level of the solar plexus. Ametrin brings deep hidden problems to the surface, so they can be realized and healed.
In nature, there is no quartz crystals similar to the other. Each one is unique, just as the personality is unique. Almost all quartz crystals have a flat base. It is believed that this form of the base provides a link between the mineral and the earth.
The quartz has an activating energy. Depending on the color, they have a definite effect on the chakras - the energy centers of power in the body. Undoubtedly, quartz is the most popular mineral used in healing.
Quartz is the best guide for a person striving for development. Transparent quartz crystals emit a healing white light. Such light is the channel of superfrequency energies, which contribute to subconscious opening and spiritual development. This radiation organically combines with the elements of our earthly plane, helps to resonate with cosmic consciousness and perceive information from higher spheres.
In some crystals, you can see areas with "clouded" areas, which are similar to the Milky Way. Such varieties of quartz, symbolizing the multidimensionality of the universe, are used for deep meditations with a full immersion in the subconscious, as well as in treatment procedures. It is interesting that with active use all fogged areas disappear!
As a conductor of powerful energy flows, the crystal clears the human aura and its structure.
Quartz is not just crystal. It is the most powerful energy corrector, which is widely used by specialists in healing and spiritual practices, as well as in high level meditative practices.
Rough crystals of irregular shape are high-precision energy-structural tools, a real storehouse of energy. Thin vibrations of quartz crystals and their radiation have a powerful healing power. Everyone can work with quartz energy correctors.
Double-ended quartz crystals
Quartz crystals with sharp ends on both sides are special crystals, capable of performing a whole complex of healing and spiritual procedures. The "duality" of this kind of quartz makes it possible to use it in telepathy and other extrasensory practices, since two kinds of energies are connected in the center of the crystal. With the help of double ended crystals, harmony is born in our bifurcated world of spirit and matter - this makes it possible to unite opposites into a single unit. Such crystals help to normalize relations between people, as well as harmonize the peace of mind.
Double ended crystals are the ideal solution for those who feel internal duality, imbalance. To relax and achieve a sense of inner wholeness and harmony, it is enough to hold a double crystal in your hands for a few minutes a day - first in one hand, then in the other. If thoughts are confused and psychological unbalance is observed, the double crystal is held for several minutes above the top of head. To expand consciousness and develop intuition, it is recommended to keep the crystal at the level of the "third eye". Also, a double crystal stimulates the brain’s work, removes mental blocks, etc.
Double crystals are actively used in Buddhist practices: they help to open and clean chakras (energy centers). These types of quartz have a strong rejuvenating effect - it is enough to apply them lightly to the face and places where wrinkles are formed.
With the help of a double crystal of quartz, it is possible to conduct unique joint meditations of two people. Meditators sit opposite each other in the Lotus seat. Each one should have a double crystal in his hand, aimed at the "third eye" of the partner - one in the left hand, the other in the right hand. Such exercise builds a telepathic connection between meditators, which, with regular exercises, can be maintained over a vast distance.
Citrine is a kind of quartz. The stone has natural origin (in this case it has tatty appearance, light blurred color), and is also obtained by thermal treatment, many hours of calcination at a temperature of 400-500 degrees (such stone has a more attractive light yellow color). The value of citrine is that it is a silicon oxide, which predetermines its more direct actions and functions.
The natural origin of citrine is associated with certain energetically active zones of the Earth, where the Brazilian deposit is particularly distinguished (one of such most distinctive states is Bahia). Of course, the place of these crystals extraction is not limited by Brazil, but it is where they acquire the deserved value they have.
Kyanite is one of the few stones that never need additional purification. It does not accumulate negative energy and vibrations. The energy of kyanite is inexhaustible, and this is one of the most remarkable stones for use in crystal therapy.
The kyanite affects all the chakras immediately activating them, there is no need to create a conscious intention, this happens automatically as soon as the kyanite comes into contact with the person. If you use the energy of kyanite consciously, you can build / align all the energy bodies.
The energy of this stone brings peace and conciliation, soothing effect extends to all spheres. Kyanite eliminates anger, frustration and helps to restore and preserve the clarity of thought. It preserves from actions and situations that can lead to energy losses and weakening of a person. Dispels doubts that arise on the emotional, spiritual and mental plane.
Kianit gives the strength to continue the started affairs and projects till their successful completion.
A wonderful crystal for meditation, promotes rapid immersion into a meditative state.
It is also very effective in conscious dreams, helps to solve existing problems during sleep, showing situations and possible best solutions.
Balances the energy of Yin / Yang.
Irreplaceable Black tourmaline - Sherl: is able not to pick up and convert negative energy, but to create a protective field around its owner that deflects harmful effects. Perfectly protects from electromagnetic waves, radiation, psychic effects and various negative energies.
It is connected with the first chakra, grounds the energy and increases physical strength, relieving tension and stress. Clears negative thoughts, combines a calm perception and objective neutrality with clear, rational thinking. Contributes to the positive attitude, despite the circumstances, stimulates altruism and creativity. This stone helps with psyche problems, soothes the attacks of jealousy, helps to neutralize negative emotions, such as resentment, anger and vindictiveness.
Healing properties:
Black tourmaline helps with debilitating diseases, strengthens the immune system, spinal column. Raises the energy of the adrenal and kidneys, heals rheumatism and gout, reproductive organs diseases.
Green Tourmaline – Verdelite is a wonderful healer, it opens the heart center, develops compassion, responsiveness, patience and a sense of belonging. It teaches to live in harmony and joy, transforms negative energy into positive and eliminates fears, promotes openness. Activates creative abilities, helps to see all existing solutions to the problem and choose the most constructive.
Improves sleep, soothes the mind. Strengthens the nervous system and prepares it for transition to a new level of vibrations.
Curative properties of Verdelite:
Affects eyes, heart, brain, the immune system, contributes to weight loss. Useful for children's hyperactivity.
Blue tourmaline - Indigolite activates the fifth and sixth chakras, awakens the thirst for spiritual freedom and clear self-expression. Develops loyalty, good consciece, ethics, tolerance and love for the truth. The radiation of indigolite carries pacification and removes sadness and suppressed feelings, gently bringing them to the surface for healing. Helps to develop the inner sense of responsibility. Promotes life in harmony with the environment.
Healing properties of Indigolite:
Blue tourmaline helps to identify the cause of the disease. Favorable for respiratory organs, vision, immune system, brain, endocrine glands.
Rubellite - pink Tourmaline - strengthens the desire to understand love and gives tact and independence.
Tourmaline Rubellite is a pink stone. It can be used to activate the first chakra, for communication between the first and the fourth (heart) chakras, it can be used to direct and intensify the prayer effort.
Rubellite activates all the qualities of the first chakra and conducts physical energy and vital forces into the physical body. Later it reveals the healing potential of the heart.
Healing properties of Rubellite tourmaline:
It restores the endocrine system work, affects the lungs, heart, pancreas and reproductive system.
Pyrite, due to its similarity with gold, is able to influence the nervous system like gold. Folk healers recommend wearing pyrite jewelry in case of nervous exhaustion, as they are able to improve mood, raise tone and improve efficiency. People who are prone to excessive excitability shouldn’t wear this stone. Lithotherapists believe that pyrite goods feed the body, normalizing all internal processes.
Pyrite is a powerful magical instrument. It is considered to be a male stone. In the Middle Ages, alchemists often used it. Due to its "masculine" qualities, pyrite gives its master a great emotional strength, which must be handled very carefully. Pyrite can’t be worn for longer than three days, otherwise increased emotionality will start to harm the owner. Pyrite, unlike many others, doesn’t like other stones neighborhood (except for hematite and serpentine).
Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl of green tones, sometimes with a slightest blue shade. Its dark green varieties are valued above the diamond. The Greeks called it the "Stone of Radiance". In Russia, the emerald was considered to be a stone of wisdom, composure and hope.
Emerald was famous for its antidote property in a mixture with buffalo milk; it gave the gift of foresight o the one who wore it, relieved of longing and hypochondria. It was believed that a closer look at the emerald gives birth to strength and animation. Those who wear an emerald, are freed from anguish and insomnia, don’t see dreams embarrassing the spirit. It’s preferable to wear an emerald on the little finger.
The name "emerald" refers to the green variety of beryl ,"aquamarine" - to a variety that has the color of the sea wave. Another name for the emerald is green ice.
The word "emerald" comes from the Persian word, which through such altered forms of the Latin “smaragdus” as “esmeraude”, “emeraude” and “esmeralde”, has come down to our days.
The modern form of the word emerald appeared in the English language only in the 16th century. Previously, it seems to be used to refer to all minerals that have a green color, but initially it referred to non-transparent minerals, and perhaps opaque, but brightly colored, such as the chrysocolla, and this name was not attached to green beryl until such stones were found in Upper Egypt.
None of the emeralds from Egypt or Russia can be compared with the coloring perfection of beautiful stones originating from South America.
Healing properties
It is believed that the emerald stabilizes blood pressure, relieves headaches and joint pains, treats stomach diseases, bladder inflammation, has an antibacterial property (if it is put into a glass with raw water, it can be drunk without boiling). In ancient times it was believed that the stone helped to get rid of night blindness, walleye, epilepsy. Modern lithotherapists claim that the owner of the emerald is not threatened by nightmares, insomnia, unreasonable fears and increased fatigue.
Magical properties
The main task of the emerald is to combat the evil inclinations of its master: falsehood, propensity to scams, infidelity in love.
If the owner of the stone doesn’t have bad inclinations, the emerald brings him health and luck, otherwise he can bring troubles.
This gem is able to dissipate any negative energy, clean the person's biofield and his home from the negative. Emerald protects the family hearth: it preserves conjugal ties, saves peace and harmony in the family, promotes the continuation of the family.
For people with developed intuition, this stone can be helpful in coming into contact with the souls of the dead, with beings from the subtle world, bestows the ability to decipher the signals sent to the Earth by the forces of the Universe. Emerald is a very delicate stone. It doesn’t tolerate aggression or rudeness. If you wear a stone constantly for 2-3 months, negative traits can be corrected.
Astrologers say that the gem helps nervous, sensitive people to avoid stress, to expose deceptions and intrigues. It is very suitable for Lions, Libras and Aquarius. For Pisces, Capricorns and Scorpions are emerald categorically contraindicated. The rest of the signs can wear it.
Talismans and amulets
Emerald is a talisman of nursing mothers, sailors and travelers. As an amulet, it protects young boys and girls from vicious tendencies and propensity to debauchery. For creative people, the stone gives inspiration and a spiritual boost, for business people it attracts success.
A lot of superstitions are associated with the emerald. It was believed that it had a beneficial effect on the eyes. Emerald is one of the stones associated with the Supreme spirit. They believe that it brings happiness only to pure but illiterate people. But educated people will not get much joy.
This stone doesn’t tolerate insincerity. To liars It brings not only misfortunes but illnesses as well. Fitted in gold, this stone protects from any infections and insomnia. If you give emerald to someone, in the language of stones, this gift will mean a wish for success, symbolize purity and fidelity.
Fluorite provides a high degree of protection, especially on the mental level. It helps to recognize when there is an external influence inside and to cut off mental manipulations and undesirable mental impact. This stone clears and stabilizes the aura. Extremely effectively protects against electromagnetic radiation of household appliances, blocks geopathogenic stress. In healing practice, fluorite eliminates negative energies and stress of any origin. It purifies and rebuilds everything in the body that is not in order. It is a wonderful crystal for eliminating any kind of disorders.
Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies on the physical plane. It develops objective impartiality and enhances intuitive abilities, accelerating and making the process of spiritual awakening more conscious.
Fluorite is associated with progress on many levels of being, it brings order to everyday life, helps to overcome chaos and rebuild subtle bodies. Fluorite clears the aura of the. Fluorite of the past, which has already lost its importance for the human soul.
Fluorite helps to overcome limiting habits and stereotypes and neatly opens the door to the unconscious, bringing the suppressed feelings to the surface for their healing. It helps to go beyond limiting ideas, overcome the limitation of thinking and see the global picture. This stone dispels illusions and reveals the truth, can be useful when it is necessary to act impartially and objectively.
Fluorite is a wonderful assistant at studies, it improves concentration. Helps to assimilate and process information and develops speed of thinking.
Referring emotional plan, fluorite has a calming effect. Helps to understand the influence of the mind and emotions on the body. Teaches to maintain emotional balance.
Fluorite helps to open the seventh chakra and carry cosmic energy into the physical body. Immersion into the field of a fluorite pyramid enables a person to see his past and future.
Obsidian is volcanic lava, which froze having not enough time to crystallize. This rock is similar to glass, as far as it is a frozen quartz mass, melted by lava.
Obsidian has a powerful energy that contributes to the achievement of inner truth, it works extremely fast and efficiently, helps to discover the truth, reveals errors, weaknesses and blocks. It effectively extracts all depressed, hidden negative emotions and feelings. This mineral not only reveals the essence of the problems but also shows how to change the situation, it pushes to growth and provides significant support during this period.
Obsidian is also a magnificent defensive amulet, it forms a shield against negative energies, blocks psychic attacks, eliminates negative influences. This mineral is very useful for highly sensitive natures, reacting to what happens around and taking everything personally.
Large size obsidian can be effectively used to neutralize geopathogenic stress in the premises, but its property to detect the hidden truth must be taken into account.
Putting obsidian in bed or next to the pillow, you can identify the existing mental stress. Obsidian will have a calming effect, helping to identify the causes of stress at the same time, that should be analyzed in future. Typically, this approach helps to work out and eliminate many blocks once and for all. For these purposes, snow obsidian is probably best suitable, because it has milder energy.
It is preferable to clean this mineral every time after use.
Obsidian helps the soul to remember the purpose of its incarnation. It eliminates energy blocks and relieves stress by integrating various psychological aspects for a more cohesive existence. This stone stimulates development at all levels. Calls for knowledge of the unknown and opens new horizons.
On the mental plane, obsidian brings clarity of mind, eliminates doubts and limiting beliefs. Anyway, it helps to make absolutely clear what is behind this or that mental stress or disorder. After the cause is revealed, obsidian helps to expand the consciousness for entering the unexplored easily and confidently.
Psychologically, obsidian helps to understand who you really are. It makes you face your dark side and teaches you how to integrate it harmoniously. This stone also helps to understand behaving habits that have already become obsolete. Removes emotional blocks and old injuries, giving depth and clarity to the senses. Develops compassion and strength.
Selenite is often called the "kiss of the moon." Its name was given in honor of the Greek goddess of the moon - Selena. Officially, the stone was called selenite in 1817 thanks to a famous chemist Berzelius. However, in some countries it is still called "Egyptian stone" and "eastern alabaster".
Selenite is a semi-transparent variety of gypsum, but much stronger than it. It has a wonderful silky shine. The color palette is represented by pink, blue, yellow and reddish-pearly shades. You can also meet crystal-white selenite.
The natural stone is obtained as a result of sea water metamorphism. This means that the mineral is a chemical precipitate formed after the desiccation of individual parts of the sea.
This mineral has been famous since ancient times for its properties to treat a variety of diseases. In Ancient Sumer it was used for healing.
In ancient Egypt, selenite powder was used to maintain the elasticity of the body, and in Tibet, stones were extracted from the gallbladder with the help of the mineral.
In addition, the mineral is able to eliminate the headache and well reduce blood pressure.
This rare bright mineral since ancient times is appreciated as a powerful magical and healing attribute. He conducts deep vibrations of higher dimensions to the Earth. Talismans of ultramarine color accompany mystical studies, helping adherents uncover supernatural abilities, clearing the information field during practice and strengthening clairvoyance. Rosary of sodalite will help you enter a state of meditation and release a flow of thoughts.
Mediums use the blue stone as an indicator of danger. If there is any energy threat, or the actions of the owner can lead to negative consequences, the talisman will change its shade.
In everyday life, sodalite gives to women special magnetism, opening up the reserves of Yin energy. To men, on the contrary, it helps to gain courage, strengthen concentration, identify goals and streamline matters. Therefore, sodalite becomes an assistant in business.
In general, the mineral helps its owner to establish the feeling of subtle energies of the surrounding world and stay in a harmonious flow of life.
In lithotherapy sodalite is a healer of a wide profile. First of all, it helps to clear the mental plan and cut off harmful programs that affect psychosomatics. That’s why it’s used for help with mental disorders and nervous overexertion. The energy of the stone calms the boiling emotions and removes the negative, returning consciousness to self-contemplation.
The mineral is used for chronic insomnia, depression and headaches. One of its key qualities is the dissolution of deep sense of guilt, which is often the root of many serious diseases.
Sodalite is used in the treatment of diseases caused by high radiation, it also removes the effects of increased solar activity. The stone helps to normalize the pressure, relieves the symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia, is useful in the purification and treatment of the liver, and also reduces appetite. It’s used to improve eyesight and prevent eye diseases. Also sodalite perfectly replenishes the energy of Qi, strengthening kidneys, bladder and pancreas. If you put a stone to the place of pain, it will take out tension and relieve spasm. Today the mineral is used even in some tumor healing systems, including malignant ones.
In addition to practices and healing, sodalite for many centuries has been used by the creators.
It was attributed to a separate class of minerals only in the XIX century, but it has been appreciated for its wonderful properties for many centuries. The Egyptians made of it ritual attributes and decorations of incredible beauty. The Incas used sodalite in decorating temples and noble houses, making a mosaic of the mineral and carving sculptures. And rubbing the stone into powder, the artists of ancient civilizations created ultramarine paint.
The blue mineral is associated with the throat chakra. Most often it is used in the treatment of the thyroid gland and diseases caused by impaired thyroid function. The endocrine and lymphatic system responds favorably to the interaction with sodalite, which can be seen from the apparent normalization of metabolism and improvement in overall health.
Venus and Jupiter patronize this stone, so its properties are most pronounced on Thursdays and Fridays.
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